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It Takes a Whole Adult to Read the Whole Child
- Learn how to use behavior change practices to re-energize yourself in the classroom (and in life too!)
- Develop strategies to regulate yourself to help co-regulate with your students
- Learn strategies of connection to help create confidence in your actions in the classroom
- Understand how to use the power of personal reflection to create dynamic change within your classroom
- Learn simple yet successful tools to ignite behavior change in your classroom
- Discover how behavior change practices promote teacher retention
Expert Guest: Lindsay Titus is a passionate, inspirational educator specializing in behavior change practices. She is driven to teach other educators how to transform connections and relationships with all students through securing a relationship with themselves first. Lindsay has worked as a classroom teacher, administrator, and behavior specialist in public school, residential and private settings. She is an educator with 18 years of experience, and uses her connections with staff to share simple yet strategic tools with educators! Lindsay helps to ignite the inner-spark we all hold as educators, and helps educators transform their lives by finding their authentic purpose and passion inside and outside of the classroom setting.