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Regional Event – India 2024
Friday 26 – Saturday 27 April 2024
With an optional Learning Walk opportunity on Thursday 25 April.
Regional Events offer a unique opportunity for both training and networking, delivering a range of our training courses with the added benefit of meeting peer educators in the region. The event, kindly hosted by Healthy Planet TGA Early Years School, Wish Town Noida, will take place on Friday 26 – Saturday 27 April 2024.
Thursday 25 April (PM) – Optional session to include a Learning Walk of Nehru World School, Ghaziabad for both subscribers and non-subscriber schools.
An opportunity to see the IEYC in action, and hear about the school's journey implementing the curriculum.
Times to be confirmed. A limited number of places are available.
Friday 26 April (all day) – Registration and Welcome Session before heading into your chosen IEYC course. Choose from Implementing the IEYC (Level 1) or Embedding the IEYC (Level 2).
Saturday 27 April (all day) – International Curriculum professional development courses continue
You can choose from one of the following IEYC courses:
Level 1: Implementing the IEYC
This course is essential for all teachers engaged in the implementation of the International Curriculum. The courses introduce the seven key foundations and cover the knowledge, skills, and understanding required for effective curriculum delivery.
During the course, you will learn about:
– The International Curriculum 7 Foundations and the underpinning philosophy
– The Process to Facilitate Learning that is unique to the International Curriculum
– Different perspectives on effective learning and teaching
– How the International Curriculum is designed to improve learning
– How to access the documents and materials needed for effective implementation
– How to prepare and plan for curriculum implementation
– How to put an International Curriculum Unit of Learning into action
– How you can network and collaborate with other International Curriculum teachers
Level 2: Embedding the IEYC
This course builds on the foundation of Level 1 training. Teachers are supported beyond initial implementation of the International Curriculum extending knowledge, skills and understanding of the seven foundations and exploring further how these can be embedded to achieve the school’s shared vision of learning.
During this course you will learn about:
– The International Curriculum 7 Foundations and how they impact on learning
– Learning Goals/Dimensions of Learning and Development
– International Curriculum Progressive Pedagogy: the Learning Environment and Classroom Approaches
– Embedding the Process to Facilitate Learning
– International Mindedness and Global Competence
– Connected Learning
– Assessment for Improving Learning/Reflective Practices for Improving Learning
– Delivering your school’s Shared Vision of Learning
See the IEYC in action in our host school:
"Our Nursery students (3+ years) delved into the exciting facets of new journeys with the Entry Points, 'Going Places' unit, we took a virtual tour around the globe and learned about different places worldwide."
"Our Pre-Nursery students (2+ years) explored the world of minibeasts at Healthy Planet, learning about different habitats and ecosystems."