Adam Morris, a programmer lucky enough to work in edu

David Burke
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Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Adam Morris is the Schools Technology & Integrations Director at Faria Education Group. He describes himself as a programmer who is lucky enough to work in Education. He’s worked in International Schools across China, Vietnam and Malaysia as an ESL teacher, English Teacher and of course the all important “tech guy”. I wanted to hear his story of transitioning from working inside schools to working in his current role.
Links from the discussion:
ManageBac & Open Apply to Google Sheets: https://github.com/classroomtechtools/managebac_openapply_to_gsheets
Faria Community Monthly Meetups: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/faria-tech-professional-learning-community-monthly-meet-ups-tickets-388565508897
Adam Morris on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-morris-08905a20/